Core IPS Tenants

In the tiny and the huge, we keep the end in mind and reflect on the potential effects of our choices.
Welcome to the Impact Public Schools’ New Family Newsletter! Each month, you will receive an email highlighting some of the most important aspects of the IPS model. We are honored and humbled to partner with you in your child’s education!
Core IPS Program Tenants
At Impact Public Schools, everything from the tiny to the huge is designed with intention. We “sweat the small stuff” to ensure that all of our program elements align to meet our ultimate mission. This week, we are exploring three core aspects of our program that bring to life our value of intention.
Class Structure: Each of our Transitional Kindergarten through 3rd grade classrooms have two full-time teachers dedicated to providing individualized instruction to scholars. Your scholar will receive differentiated, small-group and whole-group instruction from both teachers throughout the school day. A co-teaching model emphasizes collaboration and communication among faculty members, as well as lower student-to-teacher ratios.
Weekly Schedule: The IPS weekly schedule is intentionally designed to incorporate key school culture elements. On Fridays, students participate in Circle during Mentor Time. Circle is a core component of our Social Emotional Learning (SEL) program that creates a safe space for participants to build 21st century skills necessary for affecting change in a complex world. An early dismissal day each week provides an opportunity for faculty to engage in professional development to improve their craft and drive results for students.
Daily Schedule: Dedicated time to social-emotional learning during mentor time and project-based learning during Workshop ensure that all design elements have the necessary time and space allotted to them. The extended school day ensures that students have ample learning time for differentiated instruction, intervention and enrichment supports.
“I appreciate the visibility into what happens in the classroom, the activities and the focus [areas] each week…All of the teachers and staff are welcoming and approachable.” – Kindergarten Parent via the IPS Family Survey