Impact 's Safety Protocol

Our School Nurses partner with families and communities to ensure that all students are healthy, safe and ready to learn.
If your student has a health condition or concern, please contact your school nurse.
COVID-19 and Other Respiratory Viruses
Washington state has updated its COVID-19 school and child care guidance on May 30, 2023.
Please see the WA State Department of Health Recommendations for When you are Sick with COVID-19 or Another Respiratory Virus.
Please check your student’s vaccination records or contact your health care provider to be sure your student has received all their required vaccines.
If you received a letter or phone call from our School Nurses about vaccines your student needs for school, please make sure they receive the immunization(s). Send the immunization record to the school nurse or have your health care provider fax the record to the nurse.
The safety of our students and staff is our number one priority.
Be sure your school has your current telephone number and emergency contact information. Contact your school to update your contact information.
How does Impact Public Schools manage security emergencies?
In the event of an emergency, we do use our safety procedures per our school Safety Plan that includes procedures such as soft and hard lockdowns, shelter-in-place, and evacuations. We are committed to communicating with our families and will do so via ParentSquare as soon as we are able once we have accounted for all student and faculty safety.
What approach does IPS take to prepare for emergencies?
All of our schools conduct no less than one safety-related drill each month that school is in session and annually, no less than three drills for lockdowns, one drill for shelter-in-place, three drills for fire evacuation in accordance with the state fire code, and one other safety-related drill to be determined by each campus. After each drill, we send a notification to our families via ParentSquare.
How does the IPS handle threats of violence?
All lethal or potentially lethal statements whether verbal or written, including electronic, are to be taken seriously and investigated. Bomb threats or weapons on campus are considered to be threats of violence.
The Main Office should be notified immediately at 206-712-7640. If a student has a weapon or the threat is imminent, call the police (911).
No Tolerance Policy Against Firearms and Dangerous Weapons
Impact Public Schools has a no tolerance policy against firearms and dangerous weapons on its campuses and at network-sponsored activities.